Pull Request
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Pull Requests are the holy grail of any software development process, and getting a 360-degree view into them, and the ability to filter to see the PRs that may require your attention is necessary.
Consistently get a view of the process, proactively coach the team and remind them of your best practices or SLA.
Show the reviewer reviewing most PRs and schedule a knowledge-sharing session.
Look at the PRs that are open for longer, and clear roadblocks to push them to production.
If your average cycle time is higher than expected, you can look at the PRs or engineers swinging the most toward this number.
Deployment Frequency is the total number of PRs merged to master or main in that selected time period/total number of days in the selected time period.
Change Failure Rate is the number of hotfix PRs merged to master or main over the total number of PRs merged to master or main.
MTTR (Mean Time to Restore) shows the average cycle time of the hotfix PRs.
Unreviewed PRs gives the number of PRs that were merged without any approval.
Other metrics and filters:
Unaccounted Work includes all PRs that are not linked to Jira or any other project management tool's tickets.
Ready to Review shows all PRs that are open and are pending a review or approval.
Ready to Merge shows all PRs that have been approved and are awaiting merge.
PRs > 400 LoC helps you track larger PRs over a certain number of lines of code in the selected time period. The larger the PR, the slower it moves through the review cycle and the higher the probability of bugs.
Cycle time > 5 days shows all PRs merged in that time period with cycle time greater than 5 days.
Flashy Review is used to identify PRs which were reviewed very fast and indicate ineffective review. By default PRs > 200 LoC with a review time < 5minutes, are considered flashy, but this is configurable.