How to integrate Jira Server with Hivel
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Recommended, but Optional IPs:
Mandatory IPs:
Log in to your Hivel account.
In the left panel, select Settings, and go to the Integrations tab.
Find the Jira card and click the 'Connect' button.
In the pop-up, paste the link of your Jira domain and press "Enter" key. A link to Jira application page will be generated. Click on the link.
You'll be redirected to your Jira account. Click on Create Link.
Select Direct Application Link and paste our application's link - Click on continue.
Copy the Application Name from Hivel's integration page and paste in the recent pop-up in Jira. Select Application Type as "Generic Application". Click on continue.
A new entry will be added in the Jira Application Link page. Click on the 3 dots in the new entry and select Configure.
Go to Incoming Authentication.
Copy the Consumer Key, Consumer Name, Public Key, and Redirection Link from Hivel integration page and paste in the Incoming Authentication tab in Jira. Then, hit “Save”.
Go back to the Hivel's integration page and click on Submit. In case an error pops up, please repeat the above processes again. If everything is set up correctly, it will get connected.
Done! Data will be refreshed within 24 hours.
Note: Make sure to connect Jira with the admin account.
For any issues or assistance, feel free to reach us at