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Make your standup calls more effective, data-driven, and short - saving time for everyone on the call. If you can save 15 mins of your standup call with a team of 8, that’s the bandwidth of an extra full resource to build your next big thing.
This screen gives you a bird’s eye view of all the activity by your team, allowing you to see any traces of burnout or disproportionate workloads, anticipate risks like disengagement signals, by the amount of activity done, and see patterns based on previous weeks.
Make your stand up calls more effective by seeing what happened already, rather than asking the team during the call
Make your retros more data driven by identifying patterns like burnout, idle time waiting for requirements or QA reports
Monitor your average commits per week to get a sense of trends
Monitor active engineer days to identify their flow zones and peak days
Active Days is a good metric to see how many days per week your team is actively engaged in commits or PR-related activities. Engineers without any activity are excluded from this metric and shown separately.
Refer here for calculation of active days.
Avg. commits filters out only the commits and shows the trend and patterns in workload.
Inactive Engineers can clearly show if any engineers are working on non-programming activities like design, architecture, or off from work for that duration.
Commits: Shows all regular commits done by the user within the selected date period.
Merge Commits: Displays merge commits done by the user in the selected date period.
PRs Open: Filters out the PRs that were opened by the user within the selected date period.
PRs Reviewed: Lists the PRs reviewed by the user during the selected date period.
PRs Merged: Shows the PRs merged by the user within the selected date period.
PRs Declined: Filters out the PRs that were declined by the user in the selected date period.