How are Active Days calculated
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For this calculation we consider any sort of GIT activity such as regular commits, merge commits, PRs opened, reviewed, merged, and declined.
Active days in Cockpit = (Number of days an user has activity / Selected time frame) *7
In Cockpit, the active days value is normalized to indicate, on average, how many days out of a 7-day week a person or team has been active.
Few examples:
If an author has activities only on 17th, 18th, and 19th June, and the time frame selected is 16th June to 20th June,
Active days = (3/5) * 7 =
If an author has activities only on 17th June, and the time frame selected is 16th June to 20th June,
Active days = (1/5) * 7 =
Active days in Activity screen = Number of days in the timeframe an user has activity
On the Activity screen, the active days calculation is not normalized; it displays the total number of days an individual user has been active. If the filter is applied to a team or multiple users, the screen shows the average active days across all users.
We do not remove weekends from our calculation as it is possible for people to work on weekends and we want to show that as well.