Quality (SonarQube)
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In the Quality screen you can see the result of SonarQube's analysis in terms of the bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells reported in the repositories.
By viewing bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities reported by SonarQube, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your code's health, enabling you to address critical issues that can cause application failures, improve maintainability by adhering to coding standards, and mitigate security risks by identifying potential vulnerabilities.
You can filter on any of Bug, Vulnerability, or Code Smell graph to see the distribution of each. In the right side panel you will get links directly to a paritcular SonarQube issue.
Below are definitions for Bug, Vulnerability, and Code Smell:
Bug - A coding mistake that can lead to an error or unexpected behavior at runtime.
Vulnerability - A point in your code that's open to attack.
Code Smell - A maintainability issue that makes your code confusing and difficult to maintain.
Please refer to SonarQube's documentation to know more about the issue statuses and severities.